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11 Results

  • Christopher Futcher (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Beyond ECFE: Parenting Elementary Students

    Come to class and learn new parenting skills as your child grows from Elementary through High School years. Beyond ECFE Classes are taught by Licensed Parent Educators, meeting once per month. Group discussion allows parents to share their challenges, experience and wisdom. Topics are determined based on the interests of the class. Classes offered are: Parenting Elementary Students, Parenting Middle School Students, and Parenting High School Students. Parenting Elementary Students (First Thursday of the month): Topics may include working in partnership with teachers, identity, sleep, friendships, discipline, emotion coaching, sibling relationships, over-scheduling, home-school communication, beginning puberty, teaching personal and media safety, moral development, chores and allowance and other concerns common to this age and stage. Topics are flexible and will reflect the interests of the group. For the months of January and April, class will be the second Thursday (January 9th and April 10th).
  • Christopher Futcher (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Beyond ECFE: Parenting Elementary Students

    Come to class and learn new parenting skills as your child grows from Elementary through High School years. Beyond ECFE Classes are taught by Licensed Parent Educators, meeting once per month. Group discussion allows parents to share their challenges, experience and wisdom. Topics are determined based on the interests of the class. Classes offered are: Parenting Elementary Students, Parenting Middle School Students, and Parenting High School Students. Parenting Elementary Students (First Thursday of the month): Topics may include working in partnership with teachers, identity, sleep, friendships, discipline, emotion coaching, sibling relationships, over-scheduling, home-school communication, beginning puberty, teaching personal and media safety, moral development, chores and allowance and other concerns common to this age and stage. Topics are flexible and will reflect the interests of the group. For the months of January and April, class will be the second Thursday (January 9th and April 10th). Sibling Care is available during this class:
  • Beyond ECFE: Parenting High School Students

    Come to class and learn new parenting skills as your child grows from Elementary through High School years. Beyond ECFE Classes are taught by Licensed Parent Educators, meeting once per month. Group discussion allows parents to share their challenges, experience and wisdom. Topics are determined based on the interests of the class. Classes offered are: Parenting Elementary Students, Parenting Middle School Students, and Parenting High School Students. Parenting High School Students (Second Tuesday of the month): Topics may include adolescent brain development, friendships and social dynamics, health & wellness, dating, emerging independence, positive discipline, parties and dances, technology and social media, college planning, time & money management, and drugs & alcohol. Topics are flexible and reflect the interest of the group. For the months of November and April, class will be held on the 3rd Tuesday (November 19th and April 15th).
  • Beyond ECFE: Parenting High School Students

    Come to class and learn new parenting skills as your child grows from Elementary through High School years. Beyond ECFE Classes are taught by Licensed Parent Educators, meeting once per month. Group discussion allows parents to share their challenges, experience and wisdom. Topics are determined based on the interests of the class. Classes offered are: Parenting Elementary Students, Parenting Middle School Students, and Parenting High School Students. Parenting High School Students (Second Tuesday of the month): Topics may include adolescent brain development, friendships and social dynamics, health & wellness, dating, emerging independence, positive discipline, parties and dances, technology and social media, college planning, time & money management, and drugs & alcohol. Topics are flexible and reflect the interest of the group. For the months of November and April, class will be held on the 3rd Tuesday (November 19th and April 15th). Sibling Care is available during this class:
  • Beyond ECFE: Parenting Middle School Students

    Come to class and learn new parenting skills as your child grows from Elementary through High School years. Beyond ECFE Classes are taught by Licensed Parent Educators, meeting once per month. Group discussion allows parents to share their challenges, experience and wisdom. Topics are determined based on the interests of the class. Classes offered are: Parenting Elementary Students, Parenting Middle School Students, and Parenting High School Students. Parenting Middle School Students (First Tuesday of the month): Topics may include friendships and social dynamics, personality and independence, behavior and discipline, back talk and rude behavior, building resilience, developing responsibility, self-confidence, body image, emotion coaching, balancing homework and activities, puberty, adolescent brain development, and technology and social media. Topics are flexible and will reflect the interests of the group. For the months of November and April, class will be held on the 2nd Tuesday November 12th and April 8th).
  • Beyond ECFE: Parenting Middle School Students

    Come to class and learn new parenting skills as your child grows from Elementary through High School years. Beyond ECFE Classes are taught by Licensed Parent Educators, meeting once per month. Group discussion allows parents to share their challenges, experience and wisdom. Topics are determined based on the interests of the class. Classes offered are: Parenting Elementary Students, Parenting Middle School Students, and Parenting High School Students. Parenting Middle School Students (First Tuesday of the month): Topics may include friendships and social dynamics, personality and independence, behavior and discipline, back talk and rude behavior, building resilience, developing responsibility, self-confidence, body image, emotion coaching, balancing homework and activities, puberty, adolescent brain development, and technology and social media. Topics are flexible and will reflect the interests of the group. For the months of November and March, class will be held on the 2nd Tuesday (November 11th and March 10th). Sibling Care is available during this class:
  • Individual Parent Education

    Individual Parent Education is available if you would like to have a private session with a licensed Parent Educator from the ELC. Each session is 60 minutes. You pick the discussion topic(s). Here are examples from previous registrants: Talking about race, pandemic parenting, child development, discipline, communication skills, nurturing self-esteem, tantrums, eating, sleeping or toilet training, sibling issues, parent/child relationships, school readiness, any other parenting concerns. Once you register, contact the Early Learning Center @ 952-848-3908. Or email us at Sibling Care is available during this class:
  • Jacopo (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Instagram Vs. Reality

    Parents of toddlers and preschoolers find themselves overwhelmed by parenting influencers on social media. While it’s difficult to filter out what is good advice on Instagram and Facebook, some can be genuinely useful when we’re seeking advice or ideas. In this class, we’ll take a look at some of the popular parenting-related influencers on Instagram and discuss what might work for us (or not!).
  • Brett Jordan (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Modern Parenting Styles

    What are modern parenting approaches, and does the research support them? In this discussion-based class developed for parents of young children, we’ll learn about different parenting approaches, sort through some of their commonalities and the evidence to support each, and work to find your own personalized modern parenting approach so we can leave the course as more intentional parents.
  • Parenting Boys

    What can we do to raise healthy boys? How is parenting boys different from parenting girls? As societal views of gender are changing, how can you teach your son about masculinity, identity, appropriate behavior and expectations? This class will explore questions like these so that you can formulate a plan for helping your son grow into an adult you will like and admire. Potential discussion topics include teaching kindness & empathy, building resilience, positive discipline, anger and conflict, bullying, chores/responsibility, self-regulation/emotion management, social norms & expectations, friendships, time management, how the pandemic has impacted boys, changing bodies and navigating the bridge between little boys and big boys. The format of the class might include podcasts, reading and discussing articles on current topics related to parenting boys, and small group discussions based on the age of the boys of participants. Topics and format are flexible and will reflect the interest of the group.
  • Parenting Girls

    How do you help your daughters grow up to be happy, healthy and strong? How do we navigate the obstacles of growing up in a world that can seem so challenging for young girls? All girls are worthy of friendship, love, support, kindness, safety, well-being, and adults who will reinforce the best in them. This course is for parents and caregivers of girls who wish to support girl's healthy transition toward young adulthood. Potential discussion topics include supporting emotional growth while considering communication, changing bodies and healthy body image, friendships and social dynamics, common and typical bumps and pitfalls for girls (and ideas for how to anticipate and manage them), the challenges of effectively supporting girls as they become skilled in their world, and how the pandemic has impacted girls. The format of the class might include podcasts, reading and discussing articles on current topics related to parenting girls, and small group discussions based on the age of the girls of participants. Topics and format are flexible and will reflect the interest of the group. For the months of January and April, class will be held on the 3rd Thursday.